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How to Write Lyrics that Inspire

Inspiration is a beautiful word!  Think about it for a minute and what it means to you.  To me, it means a lot of different adjectives like hope, happiness, pride, strength, open, artistic… I could go on because I think the word has such a large array of emotional words that go with it. 

Writing inspirational lyrics has been around for a long time.  There are a lot of people, places, and things who use those lyrics.  Here are just a few:

  • National Anthems for countries

  • Songs of hope for contests

  • Sports Teams

  • Love songs

  • Songs that teach

  • Motivational songs

 The list goes on and on. 

 Here’s some tips on how to write inspirational songs:

  •  Think about what inspires you and write it down.

  • Try to make the words bright and of a positive nature.

  • Use adjectives that are positive when describing what you’re trying to convey.

  • Think about what inspires others and write about that.

  • Think of someone inspirational and write about them.

  • Write about a family member.  Why they inspire you.

  • Write about a social issue and why it moves you.

There are many, many, different ways to write an inspiring song.  They’re fun to write and often times make you feel good.  Who doesn’t want to feel good?  Writing an inspirational song about someone you know (why you think they are inspirational) and presenting to them is amazing.  You should see their face.  It changes right in front of your eyes.  It’s awesome. 

Check out some of our inspirational songs:

I Try to Be Myself
Live Inspired
Soft Souls
Women Speak

Are you ready to start your inspirational song?

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