And What for You


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2020
Lyricist: Robert Gordon
Genre: Adult Contemporary



Ok, wow. Just, wow!
I think this might be the best money I ever spent…and I’m a tight-fisted Scotsman! 😁

Thanks so much once again for all of your help with this…it really is fantastic, and I don’t think anyone who has listened hasn’t cried yet – so good.

And finally, thank you, your company and service rocks dude! I appreciate you guys must be super busy. Still, the fast responses and thoughtful complimentary nature of your communications have only served to make the whole experience even better – the song is the cherry on the cake!

Honestly - I just think this whole experience has been great
— Robert Gordon (Moodiesbum, United Kingdom)

Story Behind the Song

And What for You is a beautiful song with a consistent theme of deep love. “As my heart is but your own. Better the man you have made me”.  The song will take you through on an emotional rollercoaster. “On this day, we stand by you, as we all say our Goodbyes”.  Be prepared for the ride!

Ready to get started on your own song?