Vintage Lovin'

Song Details & Lyrics

© 2021
Lyricist: Jennifer Faris
Genre: Rock
Theme: Storytelling



I love this song so much, especially since it just came right out of me with literally no thought—that always is special when it happens (at least I think so, anyway). This is very close to what I was thinking, which means we are totally vibing, and that’s, well, epic.
— Jennifer Faris (Phoenixville, PA)

Story Behind the Song

Vintage Lovin’ is a song packed with great imagery that will transport the listener into the world of a “1940’s smooth groove.” The references to “Lucky Strikes and Levi Jeans” and “old school porch smokes” create an image from another time. The lyricist evokes a bygone era with lines like “The fuzz can’t stop this kind of jive.” Vintage Lovin’ will take the listener on a fun, nostalgic trip.

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