Clients Who Win Songwriting Competitions


Winning at anything is great!  I always say winning isn’t everything… and it’s not.  But still, winning at something makes you feel great and encourages you to keep going in whatever field you’re wining at.  You not only get recognition that you’re the best at whatever it is that you’re doing, but there is a definite sense of self-worth.  It makes you feel good.

Wining song competitions is fun too.  But there are A LOT of people vying for that honor.  And it is a small group of businesses that are judging the work that have the proper professional credentials to be able to do it, legitimately. 

We’ve had many clients enter and win song competitions with their lyrics and the music of  It’s a really cool thing.  It’s like chocolate and peanut butter.  The mix is delicious.  There are several song/lyric competitions around the world.  The most famous and long lasting are:

These are just a few. 

If you research it online you will find more. But the trick is to get a reputable company to critique your work.  You need this because they know what they are doing.  They work with very capable judges who have been in the record industry (at a high level) for an extended period of time.  They are honest critiques and they’ll give you valuable feedback.

If you are a lyricist and are looking for your can help you realize that dream.  One of the businesses above could make that dream become a reality.

We are the top prize in the lyric writing competition this year (2019) working with the Great American Song Contest.  If you win the lyric competition  YourSongmaker will create the song for you from your own lyrics and the specific genre you want – with a high quality production. 

What are you waiting for?  It’s so fulfilling and fun!

Let us help you!

David Hawkins